Strategy & innovation
Formula Management
Building the store of tomorrow
Your formula as a customer magnet
Being successful in retail or wholesale hinges on the formula. If the formula no longer appeals, you can shut down. Customers want to be surprised, entertainment, great promotions, convenience and friendly staff with product knowledge.
Do you want to continue to excite, inspire and engage customers? Do you have growth ambitions? Then your formula must be ironclad. Relevant, distinctive and always surprising.
Questions in which we help, for example:
- How do we continue to innovate ourselves and thereby surprise our customers?
- For my target audience and positioning, what is the ultimate customer journey?
- In what ways can I ensure enthusiastic and driven employees?
- Do our product range and services still match customer needs?
- What is needed to make our organization (more) profitable?
- Are there any opportunities for expansion for my formula?
Futureproof formula: construction and implementation
Developing and rolling out a future-proof formula is a process that requires careful execution. At Gwynt, this is in good hands. Because of our step-by-step approach, we don’t overlook anything.
Customer insight and persona creation
Who are our customers and what do we know about them?
- Research and analysis of customer behavior
- Explore relevant trends and customer insights
- Validation of shop feedback using internal insights
- Mapping optimizations within the customer journey
Futureproof formula strategy
Determine what we want to excel in and make relevant choices.
- Testing relevance of current formula based on first step
- Positioning competition through our Futureproof Formula Model
- Concretization of development themes within the formula building blocks
- Activate and support through personalization, data, technology
Elaborate and operationalize
Concrete development of formulaic topics with impact assessment.
- Workshops by development theme, possibly validated by store checks
- Translate development themes into concrete initiatives and assess impact
- Elaboration of development program and detailed subprojects
- Support decision making and final execution
Want to know more?
Contact Nick Vieberink, Senior Business Associate at Gwynt.
+31(0)6 814 496 74