Strategy & innovation

The foundation for future-proofing

Being successful in a constantly changing world requires a clear vision of the future, distinctiveness and execution power. Concretizing this into a supported strategy is the foundation for future-proofing.

The Gwynt team is your sounding board in this. With a fresh outside perspective based on industry experience and subject matter expertise. We challenge you on topics such as growth, returns, positioning, portfolio, revenue models, operations, digitalization, expansion, chain collaboration and sustainability.

We ensure an effective process in which outcomes are formulated concretely and with support. The basis for ownership and execution power.

Innovation appears to be a recurring theme in every strategy. Together we determine where innovation can make a difference and how necessary breakthroughs in this can be achieved.

Innovative companies have the future because they are shaping that future.

Dirk Harm Eijssen

Partner, Gwynt

Strategy & Innovation: our solutions

Gwynt inspires

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Gamechangerz in Food: An agile strategy for success

Gamechangerz in Food: An agile strategy for success

On Feb. 6, 2025, the Gwynt Strategy Dinner took place. This Gamechangerz in Food event, offered new insights, inspiration and a fresh outside perspective. The focus was on developing an agile strategy under dynamic market conditions. At the beautiful location of Huis...

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Review of commercial strategy family business

Review of commercial strategy family business

A packaging company, led by the fourth generation of the family, was faced with the task of reviewing its commercial strategy. With an intricate distribution network, its own retail organization in the Netherlands and operations in both wholesale and manufacturing in...

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Want to know more about Strategy & Innovation?

Please contact Joris van den Hurk, Partner at Gwynt.
+31(0)6 261 089 69