Commercial strategy development at brewery

15 October 2024

15 October 2024

A more than 150-year-old brewery from Limburg, which has been in family ownership for generations, was facing an important moment in its history. Besides brewing beer, the brewery is also active in on-trade properties, and its products are mainly available in the region’s on-trade and specialty stores. Now it was time to develop a new commercial strategy to secure its future and continue to grow.


Strategy development began with a thorough analysis of the current situation. We did this through interviews with stakeholders and in-depth data research. We then looked at trends in the beer market to identify growth opportunities and challenges. These insights were used to formulate new growth directions and develop a strategy that will prepare the brewery for the future. Aligning this strategy with the Supervisory Board (SB) and management was essential to ensure sound and sustainable implementation.


The efforts resulted in a clear new strategy for the period 2025-2029. This strategy provides a clear vision for the future, with the goal of preparing the brewery for its 165th anniversary. In addition, strong alignment was achieved with the SB, providing broad support for the steps necessary to successfully implement the strategy.