Strategy & innovation


Drafting and implementing ESG strategy

The importance of sustainability

Sustainability has long since ceased to be a feature for companies, but a rock-solid basic requirement. Companies are expected to adopt ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) within their strategy.

On the one hand, because European regulations are becoming more binding. On the other hand, because a good ESG strategy can bring significant benefits.

However, the transition from shareholder value to stakeholder value is no easy task. Within each company, this leads to complex questions and demands challenging decisions that often only really become apparent in the longer term.

Typical questions surrounding this theme:

  • How do we ensure an internally and externally supported ESG strategy?
  • What does the new CSRD directive mean and what does it mean for our company?
  • How do we align organization, activities and partnerships with this?

Integrating ESG into corporate strategy

Gwynt understands the challenges surrounding ESG. Sustainability requires vision and decisiveness. It often means that propositions, partnerships, processes and other elements need revision. We provide an overview and an approach.

Using a pragmatic approach, we integrate ESG into corporate strategy. We provide a compelling plan with proper reasoning and financial justification.

From ESG to CSRD

Meeting CSRD guidelines is more than just writing a sustainability report. Sound reporting is supported, substantiated, transparent and consistent.

Gwynt has developed a proven roadmap here over the years. In doing so, together we create a solid foundation for a supported strategy and reporting.

A strongly articulated ESG strategy creates support among internal and external stakeholders. It describes clear, achievable goals and is supported by a roadmap of relevant initiatives.

Pim Pilon

Senior consultant, Gwynt

Benefits carried ESG strategy

Strengthening image, competitiveness and future-proofing

Role as director of sustainability through collaboration chain partners

Inspire, attract and retain employees and partners

Long-term as well as short-term financial benefit through cost savings and new revenue opportunities.

Increasing attractiveness to capital and investors

Comply with laws and regulations, reduce business risks

Want to know more?

Contact Pim Pilon, Senior Business Associate at Gwynt.
+31(0)6 538 665 83